Wednesday, October 29, 2008
yay! found my besta dictionary!!!!!!!! turns out my brother took it.
sCrEeChEd aT |2:06 AM|
Monday, October 27, 2008
given scouting for boys by dominic. he say its a very good book. i going for the scout quiz at the npc. so must read this. many events coming up. skipfit programme, hike, npc trainings, meetings, npc, chalet. oh and my piano exam is on 181108... sigh no time...
sCrEeChEd aT |6:31 AM|
Friday, October 24, 2008
damn! can't find my besta dictionary. its 500 bucks! my mother's killing me. =(
sCrEeChEd aT |7:00 AM|
Saturday, October 18, 2008
today got scouts meeting. i got the swimming proficiency and the collectors profiency badges! after the oreinteering, highway code and pack a rucksack lessons, me and the npc team went to the den slack. jian yang got school liao so today is the last training with him. ching hao went to buy noodles for themselves and he got a summon ticket. haha. after that we do push ups and run around. then dismissed after a short fall in. next week got knots test, oreinteering test, highway code test and pack a rucksack test.
sCrEeChEd aT |12:46 AM|
Friday, October 17, 2008
now scouts have a lot of meetings, tests, camps, blah blah blah. even got times to go back to marlin to help out with one thing or another. from now to the end of the year i got 3 'camps'. the advanced scout standard hike, the national patrol camp, and the farewell chalet. i hope i can have a good time at scouts! dominic say if i attend all the meetings, i can get the scout standard by 1st of november this year. cool! and also get advanced scout standard by june next year. =)=)=)
sCrEeChEd aT |2:21 AM|
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
hi some of my sa2 results come back already. my chinese got 54 upon 100! i passed!! english got 63 upon 100. science got 80 upon 100!!!! history is 63 upon 100 but is quite likely to change. geography got 72 upon 100. so far so good. =)
sCrEeChEd aT |1:18 AM|
Saturday, October 11, 2008
hi. i went to bring some tanjong katong primary school cub scouts to the southern ridges for a hike.quite fun lar. i realise at the mount faber park/kent ridge park/telok blangah hill park area got alot of nice stuff lor.
down there got hortpark, henderson waves, alexandra arch, and a lot of other 'mordern' places. but we only went to hortpark, alexandra arch and the canopy walk.
here are some pics.
this is one of the dense forest areas.
a (very) small steep slope.
the first rest point. its actually near where we started and we took a detour.
nandeesh, dominic, bing kun and the tkp teacher discussing something. dunno why i took this.
a million ants. this was near the rest point(above).
part of the hike just after the first rest point.
a view from the second rest point.
exercise corner. took this from higher up.
view of the southern islands from the main (second) rest point.
the trade centre with some houses.
the port.
the port again.
another side more to the east. taken from the same place.
mr azmann taking photo of ... the signboard??
nandeesh and dominic discussing something. zoomed in on this so its a bit blur.
bing kun doing i dont know what.
a tank at the main rest point.
mr azmann sitting on the kerb.
this was taken from the canopy walk.
forests seen from the canopy walk.
some house.
the nursery.
same thing. very nice lor.
still the same well kept nursery.
a condo beside the canopy walk.
taken from the canopy walk.
the nursery again.
thats the winding path that leads to the hortpark that we took later. this is also taken from the canopy walk.
this is the reflections of bukit chandu.
a gun.
a part of that building.
one of the exhibits.
the scout walking along the winding road i mentioned earlier. the canopy walk is high above there in the background.
still on the same road.
stillllll on the same road.
this thing is at hortpark.
mr azmann and eric climbed of the thing to get a group shot of us with some scouts from japanese school.
the alexandra arch.
alexandra arch from another angle.
pathway leading up to it.
on the arch itself. thats nicholas.
the path taken from the arch.
at the end of the arch.
one of the paths leading up to it.
taken from the end of the arch. such a long way.
the i dont know what holding the bridge up.
another shot.
a forest taken from the bridge.
another one of those.
same thing again.
this is the rest point at the end.
that structure is quite cool.
going back!
that place is super cool lah.too bad no time than cannot see the whole of the southern ridges.
sCrEeChEd aT |5:55 AM|